Appsessment 1.5 - Download App from iOS App Store and Android Play Store

We are happy to announce that Appsessment is now available in Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Our users can now download and install our Appsessment App directly in their Mobile Phones and Tablets. You can install our App from any device that uses iOS such as iPhones and iPads (or) on Android tablets and mobiles from Samsung, LG, Sony, Google Pixel, etc. Our Mobile App can be used by both Educators and Parents.
We had received a few requests for the Mobile App version so Parents and Educators don't need to login to the Web App using the browser from their mobiles. Now that we've released our Mobile App for Appsessment, this should make accessing our App even more easier.
If you are an Educator, please do inform the Parents to install the App and we believe this should also increase Parent participation, comments, likes, etc. You can still continue using Appsessment Web App using your browser and you can even use multiple devices such as Mobile App on Phones and Tablets and use Web App from your Desktops and Laptops. All information and data will be automatically synced in your account. We have also made the themes and layouts of the Mobile App very similar to our Web App so you can easily change between the two platforms and also enjoy the same features. You use the same subscription and account to login to your Mobile App. The Mobile App is free to download since it is linked to your Appsessment subscription.
Along with this release, we have also added a feature in our App where all uploaded images are automatically rotated based on its orientation so you don't need to manually rotate the uploaded photos that were taken sidewards. This will make it even more easier for you when you are uploading photos in the documentation.
Thank you all for your support and we hope you enjoy this update.